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General object print layout properties

Whenever one or more objects need to be printed, related information might be printed as well. The general object properties are used to adjust print options for related object properties.

The following parameters can be adjusted for objects:

Audit trail print layout property

This flag toggles printing of the audit trail on or off when an object is printed.

  • Yes
    the audit trail of an object is included as separate block into the print layout body. For each available object that is printed, a separate block is added.

  • No
    the audit trail is not printed.

Labels print layout property

This flag toggles printing of Labels on or off when an object is printed.

  • Yes
    labels related to an object are included as separate block into the print layout body. For each available object that is printed, a separate block is added.

  • No
    no labels are printed.

Properties print layout property

This flag toggles printing of Properties on or off when an object is printed.

  • Yes
    properties related to an object are included as separate block into the print layout body. For each available object that is printed, a separate block is added.

  • No
    no properties are printed.

Peak table print layout property

This flag toggles printing of peak table on or off when an object is printed.

  • Yes
    a peak table related to an object are included as separate block into the print layout body. For each available object that is printed, a separate block is added.

  • No
    no peak table is printed.

This flag is only used, when multiple objects will be printed. In this case it toggles sorted printing of objects and related information on or off.

  • Yes
    the object and the whole set of related information are printed at once, before the next object and its related information are applied.

  • No
    all objects are printed together, followed by the properties sorted by the property type. The information are included as separate blocks into the print layout body. For each available item that is printed, a separate block is added.

What happens if one of the general object properties is missing?

Notwithstanding the flag status, the missing property is ignored for printing.