Product Registration
Software products are protected by an Authorization Scheme, which requires the Activation of a valid License or using a dongle protection unit. The Registration and Activation Process is performed via two different Methods, depending on the Internet Connectivity of the Computer on which your Product is installed.
Administrator rights are required on Windows 10 and Windows 11machines!The restrictive file access policies on computers running Windows 10 and Windows 11do not allow the standard user to perform the product registration/activation. To successfully register and activate the product, the software has to be started with Administrator Privileges. Once the registration/activation has been performed the software will run normally in the standard user environment.
Registration and Activation Process
Registration and Activation are required each time, you install the software to a new location on a Computer or on any license enhancements, that need to be registered and activated. In all cases, the registration form must be filled and submitted to register and activate the software. The following registration information will be submitted:
First Name (Optional)
Last Name (Optional)
Company (Optional)
E-mail address
The serial number which comes with the Product
A randomly created Machine Hash Code
Any Information provided to labCognition remains secure and private and is used only for the purposes of license registration and customer assignment in case of support requests. Provided contact data is securely stored at labCognition's infrastructure according to GDPR regulations. Further, the Machine Hash Code used during Activation is a combination of hash values of various computer components and cannot be used to determine the make or model of the computer, nor can it be backward-calculated to determine the raw computer information.
Activation and Registration via Internet
Products automatically detect, if there is a valid Internet Connection to the Licensing Server. If a stable connection can be established, Registration information will be submitted and your product will be activated.
During registration via internet, your computer must contact the licensing server at labCognition. If any firewall of anti-virus program is running on your computer, please deactivate it for registration. Such programs might interfere and interrupt connection to the licensing server. In this case only manual registration is possible although the computer is properly connected to internet.
Manual Activation and Registration
If no internet connection is available Products can also be registered and activated manually.