Copy and paste options
There are many possibilities to copy and paste items or objects in the software for many reasons. In general, the object or item to be copied or pasted, will be transferred via the MS-Windows clipboard. The object source may be the software itself or a foreign application containing data of interest. The copied object or item will be available as different data types in the clipboard, when copied from the software, so the user may select, which data type he will paste in a foreign application. In most foreign applications, the Paste Special command is available, where the user can decide, how to paste an object or item.
The following section gives an overview of objects and items, that can be copied and pasted.
How to copy and paste?
What can be copied?
Copy object as internal object
Sometimes a user needs a copy of an object for a manipulation purposes without modifying the original object.
The object will be copied from the software and pasted back into the software again. In this case, the object already exists with the same name.
An object copy, named 'Copy of...' will be created to avoid conflicts. This is a convention taken over from MS-Windows explorer.
Copy object as image
If the user copies an object into the clipboard, he may choose from the Paste Special function of a foreign application, how to insert the object.
The object can be inserted as image in a predefined resolution and size. The image properties can be customized in the Options dialog.
Copy object as text in JCAMP-DX format
If the user copies an object into the clipboard, he may choose from the Paste Special function of a foreign application, how to insert the object.
The object can be inserted as ASCII text in the JCAMP-DX file type.
Copy selected text
Selected text can be copied into the clipboard as plain text or rich text as commonly used in other applications. The text can be taken from any place in the software, where text, cells of a table, labels, names or properties can be edited.
Copy selected table
The contents of a whole table can be copied as tab separated text into the clipboard. After selection of the table, all entries will be copied. For details, please refer to the chapter about working with tables.
Copy reports
If any reports are created in the software, e.g. a search report, they can be copied into the clipboard as well. This way results can be transferred to foreign applications easily.
What can be pasted to the software?
Paste text
Text can be pasted from the clipboard into any editable field, e.g. into text fields, cells of a table, labels, names or properties.
Analytical data in known file types
If an application is capable of transferring its native data format into the clipboard, it can be pasted as object into the software without using a file. The file type must be known to the software to run this operation.