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Calibration Model Wizard - Step 4 - Mathematical pre-processing

Step 4 offers mathematical pre-processing of the calibration data in order to increase the influence of significant spectral regions in contrast to non-significant parts. One or a series of mathematical operations can be applied to improve the calibration model.

In the upper data view the original spectrum and the selected statistical spectra are shown as described previously. In the lower part of the data view, the corresponding result spectra are shown after applying the sequence of mathematical operations.

The lower part of the dialog on the left shows a list of actual mathematical operations applied to calibration data. On the lower right parameters of the current selected mathematical operation are displayed.

Adding new mathematical operations

To add a new mathematical operation to the list in the lower left of the dialog, please follow the instruction below:

  1. Click the Add button .
    The following dialog is opened where a suitable mathematical operation can be selected:

  1. From the list, select the operation you like to apply.

  2. Click the Apply button to confirm selection or the Close button to discard.

Delete mathematical operation

To remove a mathematical operation from the list in the lower left of the dialog, please follow the instruction below:

  1. From the list of mathematical operations in the lower left of the dialog, select the operation you like to remove.

  2. Click the Delete button.

Calculate Button

For certain mathematical operations with additional parameters the calculate button will be enabled. If changes are made to the parameters, the result can be updated by clicking on the Calculate button.

Changing mathematical operation parameters

The parameters of the current selected mathematical operation are displayed in the property grid on the right side of the dialog. All parameter modifications will be directly applied and visible. For details on those parameters, please refer to the Mathematical Overview section of the manual.

Changing the order of mathematical operations

The order of applied mathematical operations can be altered as described in the following:

  1. Select the mathematical operation you like to move.

  2. Click the button to move the selected operation upwards in the list.

  3. Click the button to move the selected operation downwards in the list.

Just click the Next > button to proceed to the next step.

Clicking the Cancel button will abort creating a new calibration.