Colorimetric parameters
The following parameters may be adjusted for the colorimetric analysis:
Standard Observer
The standard observer, which has been defined for various color models, must be selected here. The following standard observers are available:
Custom illuminant file
Here a file, containing reflectance values of a custom illuminant / light source might be selected. A File Open dialog is opened, where you can select an illuminant file from your hard disc or network environment.
Depending on the measurement conditions, a valid light source must be selected to get reliable results. Various illuminants are used for particular applications. Please refer to your procedure instructions to find the correct illuminant for your analysis.
The software supports various illuminant types and you are free to use your custom illuminants.
Enter the lower boundary of the spectral region that is considered for the colorimetric analysis, here.
The region must at least cover a range of 380 - 780 nm.
Enter the upper boundary of the spectral region, that is considered for the colorimetric analysis, here.
The region must at least cover a range of 380 - 780 nm.
Calculate Complementary Value
Whenever the resulting color does not have a dominant wavelength, the tristimulus values of the complementary wavelength can be calculated. This flag indicates, whether the complementary wavelength is calculated or not.
The complementary wavelength is not calculated. -
The complementary wavelength is calculated.
Cell Pathlength [cm]
Typically, measurements in color analysis are performed in 1 cm cuvettes. Generated data is classified as transmittance spectrum. However, standard cuvettes range from 0.5 cm up to 10 cm. Hence intensities must be corrected in order to contribute the cuvette pathlength. The relationship is the following:
I (1cm) = I(1/d)
where d = thickness/pathlength of the cell/cuvette