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Find Functional Groups, Chemical Classes and Sub-Classes

In the large number of items in the rule designer tree view, it is not easy to find a particular functional group you are looking for. However, if you know the name or at least a part of the name, this option allows full text search on all functional group names, chemical class names and sub-class names in the rule database. This way, the query item can be found quickly.

  1. From the Rules menu, select the Find Rule command to start searching.
    Alternatively, press the F3-key.

  2. The query text needs to be entered in the following dialog:

The following options are available for searching:

Enter the query text

  1. Type any word or multiple words into the text field.

  2. Click the OK button to start.

Selecting most recently used Queries

  1. From the drop down text field, select one of the most recently used search queries.

  2. Click the OK button to start.

Displaying Search Results

The software will jump automatically to the next matching entry in the tree view of the rule designer after clicking the OK button.