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Track Rule Changes

Those users, who develop new rule data bases or modify existing ones in order to improve analysis results, always need to test their changes before the rule data base can be applied in routine IR interpretation. After some modifications it would be a difficult approach to keep all recent changes in the rule data base in mind and also concentrate on the IR interpretation results. The software offers a convenient system which tracks all changes to assist the user during optimization. Recent changes will be logged and can be undone stepwise up to a certain amount. The system needs to be activated manually in the software.

Enabling the Change Tracking System

To enable the change tracking system, please follow the steps below:

  1. From the Rules menu, select Track Rule Changes.

  2. In the dialog, check the Enable Undo Tracking checkbox.

  1. Click the Close button to apply settings.

From now on, all changes in the rule data base will be tracked and logged. Every time the user saves the rule data base, he might enter a new checkpoint name. Please refer to the chapter saving for details.

Saving a Rule Data Base with Tracking enabled

If the change tracking system is enabled you can set a new checkpoint by saving the rule data base. You will be prompted to enter a meaningful name for the current checkpoint. This should be a word or hint which summarize the contents of your recent changes. All operations and changes in the rule data base can be recalled later on under this checkpoint name.

The saving procedure is described in more detail below:

  1. Perform your changes in the rule data base.

  2. From the File menu, select Save.

  3. Enter a meaningful summary of your changes into the text field of the Rule Data Base Undo Information dialog.

  1. Click the OK button.

The rule data base is saved then and you can perform spectrum analyses or validations to test your modifications.

Review recent Changes in the Rule Data Base

To review all recent changes since you started the change tracking system, please follow the steps described below:

  1. From the Rules menu, select Track Rule Changes to open the dialog.

On the left of the dialog you see a list of all checkpoints which have been stored recently. If you click a particular checkpoint, you can see the changes on the right side of the dialog accordingly. Changes are shown in that way, that the original condition of the changed item is shown in the upper part. In the lower part, the item is shown with changes.


In this example, the functional group 'Aliphatic Ether' contained the wrong priority for certain vibrations. The user corrected the priorities to 'low' as can be in the lower right part of the dialog.

Undo Recent Changes in the Rule Data Base

It is not easy for the analyst to foresee all consequences of changes in the rule data base. After some testing or even when looking for a completely different issue you might become aware of changes you have made some time ago which now cause false or unsatisfactory results. To undo these changes, please follow the steps described below:

  1. From the Rules menu, select Track Rule Changes to open the dialog.

  2. From the list of checkpoints on the left, select the checkpoint to be undone.

  3. Click the Undo button to restore the original condition shown in the upper part.

Can I undo multiple changes?

If a checkpoint includes multiple changes, they cannot be undone one by one. It is only possible to undo all changes of a checkpoint. If this might be required, you need to save intermediate steps more often.

Deleting tracked Changes

If you might have used the change tracking system thoroughly, the list of checkpoints will be rather long after a while. Many of the checkpoints will become obsolete because changes did real improvements on the rule data base. Such changes will never be subject of undo anymore and could be deleted without danger in order to reduce the list to important items.

Deleting checkpoints means accepting changes forever!

To delete a checkpoint, please follow the steps below:

  1. From the Rules menu, select Track Rule Changes to open the dialog.

  2. From the list of checkpoints on the left, select the checkpoint to be deleted.

  3. Click the Delete button to remove the checkpoint from the list.

Deleting a checkpoint cannot be undone!

Be careful when deleting checkpoints. They will be deleted without further notification and deletion cannot be undone!

To delete all checkpoints in the list at once, click the Delete All button.