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Add all Objects in Window to Project

If the user needs to insert all visible objects located in the current active data view at once into a particular project, all objects will be added to the current selected folder within the current selected project in the project explorer using this command.

Adding just the active object

It is also possible to add just the active object. Please refer to the 'Add an item to a project' command.

Add all objects to project menu command

To add all visible objects to a project or folder via the application menu, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Select a project node or folder in the tree of the project explorer.

  2. From the Project menu, select the Add all Objects in Window to Project command.

    What happens, if no project was selected?

    In this case, a File Save dialog is shown, which allows you to store all data into a new project.

Add all objects to project keyboard shortcut
