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Directory import into library dialog

For data import into a library, some parameters must be adjusted. The source directory and the data type as well as the destination library must be specified in order to setup a batch import. After successful parameter configuration all specified data will be imported from the source directory into a give library one by one. Finally, an import protocol is displayed, which holds the import statistics.

The dialog looks like this:

Directory import into library dialog contents

Source directory

  1. Enter a source directory
    Here the source directory location containing analytical data to be imported into a library, must be specified. You can either enter the path to the source directory directly into the text field, or you can choose a path from your local hard disc or network neighbourhood using the icon right from the text field.

  2. Adjust the file mask
    Here, the file mask of one file type or all file types can be entered in the following scheme:
    *.file extension for a particular file type or *.* for all known file types.

  3. Include sub-directories
    Data will be imported from a whole directory branch including all sub-directories underneath a given source directory, if this flag is enabled.

Destination library

Select one of the libraries form the list, which is meant to be the destination library for imported data.

Why are not all libraries shown here?

This selection just allows physical libraries, but no virtual libraries. Therefore directories, which will be used as libraries are not listed here.