How to report a bug
Although the software has been copiously tested, it may still have some bugs not yet discovered. Please help us to solve these bugs and errors in the software quickly. Contact us by email to submit the bugs you discovered including screenshots and test data. We will do our best to solve your problems in one of the next versions of the software. Thank you for your assistance in advance.
The personal information provided by email will be stored electronically at LabCognition, Analytical Software GmbH & Co. KG for the purpose of contacting you. Your personal information will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties. Your Agreement can always be revoked by email or by phone. Please refer to the chapter Technical Support for details.
By sending an email you also agree that LabCognition, Analytical Software GmbH & Co. KG, in order to process your request, may contact you by email or phone and furthermore may inform you about its progress regarding your reported problems as well as products and innovations.
Creating a bug report
Please follow the instructions below to report a bug:
Start the software.
From the Help menu, select the Report a Bug command.
Your default email program will be started and a new email with some default content as described below is created automatically.
Into the E-Mail body, enter a brief description of the problem you are having.
enter a detailed description of how to reproduce the bug in the software (Mandatory).
It is very important, that explanations are as detailed as possible. Even if you know, where you have started working when suddenly the problem occurred, we do not know. Please start description from that point, when the software had launched.Example:
If necessary, please attach screenshots and/or data to your email.
The current active data is automatically attached to the email for convenience. You may remove the attachments in case you do not want to share your data with us. -
For legal reasons we have also included a section containing a privacy statement and your agreement to let us contact you.
In addition some working environment, product and license information is automatically added which makes our work easier when reproducing the problem.
After submitting the report we might contact you to clarify or request more details to your reported problem or we will keep you informed on the issue status.
Send data to ...
It is possible to send data to the support directly from within the software. By executing the command Send Data to... located in the Help Menu, you are able to send the active data object via E-mail to our support team. Please review the details of this command by following the above link.