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Toogle to ... Interpretation

The software supports both analysis techniques, but only one at a time. The actual interpretation mode is indicated by the interpretation menu name. Possible menu names are:

  • IR Interpretation
    The software is now in IR interpretation mode. The corresponding IR rule database is applied for analysis.

  • RAMAN Interpretation
    The software is now in RAMAN interpretation mode. The corresponding RAMAN rule database is applied for analysis.

Both modes provide the same interpretation software features. However, core spectrum analysis and of course the applicable rule database are different for IR and RAMAN interpretation accordingly. The mode can be easily toggled using the Toggle to ... menu command in the IR/RAMAN Interpreation menu.

Can I run RAMAN interpretation with an IR spectrum and vice versa?


The software does not check the actual spectrum type before doing an analysis for different reasons:

In many other and mainly older software packages and also software packages from instrument vendors, IR spectra and RAMAN spectra are not well distinguished. If you import such spectrum into this software the identified spectrum type might be IR although it is a RAMAN spectrum. If the software would be that strict to deny RAMAN interpretation for IR spectra, you would never be able to analyze legacy spectra.

Spectra are pre-processed before doing an analysis in order to take into account the different spectrum shapes for IR and RAMAN. Pre-processing is different for both spectrum types. You may want to use both pre-processing types with IR or RAMAN spectra. It is possible to do that using the correct mode.