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Trend View

The trend view is the main view of the reaction window. It shows a plot of the actual data that is being extracted from the spectra during the reaction run by means of the defined trends. In addition to the trend plot the view shows information about the reaction phases, the limits, the golden batches and the comments that have been added. A sample trend view with three reaction phases, one limit and one comment looks like this:

Trend View Data Display

Trend Data

The trend data is plotted in real time in the trend view. The display options for the trend plot are defined in the parameter panel / reaction wizard (step 2). By default the view will be autoscaled to completely display all data but a user defined display region for the y-axis may also be entered. Trends can be edited using the View Tab in the parameter panel and the Add Limit/Remove Trend buttons in the control panel as well as the trend view context menu (see below). A detailed description for working with trends can be found in the section Add/Remove Trends in the chapter Operations.
In addition to trend curve, data point markers will be plotted according to the Every Nth sample setting in the parameter panel / reaction wizard (step 5). The data point markers are also correlated to the sample selection in the Report Grid and samples can be directly selected in the trend view. Please refer to the section Sample Selection in the chapter Operations for a detailed description.
Multiple trends will be displayed in a split window configuration by default but can be merged into a single view by using the Show Single View/Show Multi View command in the context menu.

Phase Information

If the option Show Phase Information is activated in the parameter panel / reaction wizard (step 5) a blue vertical bar for every phase transition of the reaction will be displayed in the trend view. This gives a quick overview of all phases of the reaction run. The above sample reaction for example has three phases. The phases itself can be edited using the Phases Tab in the parameter panel and the Add Phase/Remove Phase buttons in the control panel. Please review the section Add/Remove Phases in the chapter Operations for a detailed description.

Limit Information

Limits are displayed as colored horizontal regions in the trend view. The above sample reaction has one limit with an upper/lower threshold of -0.70/-0.88 shown as yellow areas. Limits can be edited using the Limits Tab in the parameter panel and the Add Limit/Remove Limit buttons in the control panel as well as the trend view context menu (see below).  A detailed description for working with limits can be found in the section Add/Remove Limits in the chapter Operations.

Golden Batch Information

Golden batches are displayed as separate trend lines with the color that is defined in the Golden Batch group of the Limit Tab. In addition the display of the golden batch average and golden batch data shape can be selected. The addition of a limit to a golden batch allows the control of the reaction with the golden batch data. Please review the chapter Add/Remove Golden Batches for a detailed description.

Trend View Context Menu

The trend view context menu is available by right-clicking into the trend view and looks like this:

The following options are available:

Display Options

  • Show Legend:
    Offers different settings for the legend display. Never completely disables the legend display. Always permanently enables the legend.

  • Show data in panorama:
    Transfers the trend plots that are displayed in the trend view to the main application. This allows the trend data to be edited/saved separately. All current trend data will be added to a new data view in the main application.

  • Show Single View/Show Multiple View:
    Toggles the trend view between single window and multiple window mode if several trends are defined.

  • Add Comment:
    Adds a comment to the reaction. The position of the comment on the reaction time line needs to be selected per left-click in the trend view and the user will be prompted for a name. The comment will be added as colored vertical bar in the trend view and as extra row in the report grid. A detailed description for working with limits can be found in the section Add/Remove Comments in the chapter Operations.

Trend Options

  • New Trend:
    Adds a new trend to the reaction. Selecting this command will open the Trend Configuration Dialog. The new trend will be opened in an additional window in the trend view. To show multiple trends in a single window, the command Show Single View needs to be selected. For a detailed description of adding/editing trends please review the sections Add/Remove Trends and Trend Configuration (reaction wizard - step 2).

  • Edit Trend:
    Opens the Trend Configuration Dialog to allow editing of the current trend settings. Please review the aforementioned sections for description of trend editing.

  • Clone Trend:
    Adds a new trend to the reaction which is an exact copy of the current trend. This simplifies creating new trends with only small changes to the existing one. The Trend Configuration Dialog will be opened directly with the settings of the current trend.

Limit / Golden Batch Options

  • New Limit:
    Adds a new limit to the reaction trend. The user will be prompted for a name and needs to select the upper and lower boundary of the limit in the trend plot. A detailed description for working with limits can be found in the section Add/Remove Limits in the chapter Operations.

  • Remove Limit:
    Removes the selected limit from the reaction.

  • Remove Golden Batch:
    Removes the selected golden batch from the reaction. A detailed description for working with golden batches can be found in the section Add/Remove Golden Batches in the chapter Operations.