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Add/Remove Phases

Phases are the sections of a reaction which allow to divide the run into parts with different parameter settings. Each phase may have different settings concerning the sample count and sample frequency as well as the instrument settings. To visualize the different reaction stages, the phase information can be displayed in the trend view as well as the report grid view. The trend view shows the different phases as colored vertical bars and hovering the mouse pointer close to a bar will show a tool tip with additional information. The report grid inserts an additional colored row for each phase. The option Show Phase Information in the parameter panel / reaction wizard (step 5) turns the phase information display on or off. The following screenshot shows a sample reaction with three phases:

The phase tab of the parameter panel basically duplicates the phase settings from Step 4 of the Reaction Wizard where the initial phase configuration is entered. The phase tab stays accessible while a reaction is running. The currently active phase group will automatically be expanded and is marked by a icon. The settings of the active phase cannot be edited except for the number of measurements.

The phase tab with two sample phases looks like this:

Adding Phases

Please perform the following steps to add a phase to a reaction:

  1. Make sure that the Phases Tab of the parameter panel is activated and click on the Add Phase button in the control panel.

  2. A new phase with the same settings as the current one will be added immediately.

  3. Adjust the settings of the new phase.

Remove Phases

Please perform the following steps to remove a phase from the reaction:

  1. Select the phase in the phase tab.

  2. The Remove Phase button in the control panel will be activated. Click on the button to remove the phase.

  3. Confirm the security prompt to finally remove the phase from the reaction.

Skip Phases

The Skip Phase option is only available during a running reaction. Please perform the following steps to skip the current phase of a reaction:

  1. Select the phase in the phase tab.

  2. The Remove Phase button in the control panel will be activated. Click on the button to remove the phase.

  3. Confirm the security prompt to finally remove the phase from the reaction.

Phase Options

The following settings are available for phases:

  • Initial Delay:
    Defines the initial "zeroth" phase with no measurement activity. Only the length of the initial delay can be entered.

  • Phase Group:
    Groups together all settings for one phase. The group can be collapsed for a better overview. The header shows the group name and starting time of the phase.

  • Endless:
    Makes the phase an infinite phase. Only the measurement interval must be defined additionally and the phase will run "infinitely" until the user aborts the reaction. Naturally only the last phase has the endless option.

  • Comment:
    A comment describing the current period may be entered for each reaction phase. If the phase information display is activated, the comments are shown in the report grid rows of the phase and as tool tip in the trend view.

  • Duration:
    Defines/displays the overall duration of the current reaction phase. This field is linked with the other fields that are relevant for the measurement duration ( interval, No. of measurements ). Changing the duration will automatically adjust the interval to a correct value.

  • Interval:
    Defines/displays the time period between two measurements. Changing the interval will automatically adjust the No. of measurements to match the phase duration.

  • Number of measurements:
    Defines/displays the total number of measurements for this phase. Changing the number of measurements will automatically adjust the interval to match the phase duration.

  • Instrument Parameters:
    Defines the number of scans and the instrument gain for the current phase.