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Configure Reactions

The configure reactions commands enables the user to select the list of reactions that will be quickly accessible using the Run Reaction, Process reaction with active spectra or the Routine Mode. The following dialog will be displayed to configure the reaction list:

Add Reaction

Please perform the following steps to add a reaction to the configured reactions list:

  1. Select the command Configure Reactions from the Reaction Monitoring menu. The configure reactions dialog will be shown.

  2. Click on the Add button.

  3. Use the file open dialog to select the reaction template (*.reactionConfig file) to be added to the list.

  4. Click on the OK-button to close the dialog.

Remove Reaction

Please perform the following steps to remove a comment:

  1. Select the command Configure Reactions from the Reaction Monitoring menu. The configure reactions dialog will be shown.

  2. Select the reaction to be removed and click the Remove button.

  3. Click on the OK-button to close the dialog.