Fourier Transform
The function Fourier Transform implements a Fast Fourier Transformation algorithm (FFT) to convert interferograms into NIR or MIR spectra. Interferograms that are acquired by the spectrometer instrument can be transformed to regular IR-spectra using this function.
The Fourier Transform command is available in the Mathematics menu.
Fourier Transform parameters
The following parameters can be adjusted:
Spectrum Type
Specifies the type of spectrum the interferogram corresponds to. Available options are:
NIR - Interferogram corresponds to a NIR-spectrum
MIR - Interferogram corresponds to a MIR-spectrum
Interferogram Type
Specifies the type of interferogram to be processed. Available options are:
Single - Interferogram is of type single
Double - Interferogram is of type double
Spectral Range
Sets the spectral range for the resulting spectra.